The Epping Elementary Preschool is an integrated program for students ages three through five.  The preschool program is held Mondays through Thursdays.  The program days and times can change depending on student needs.  There are four sessions, two in the morning and two in the afternoon.  Half of the children are students identified with special needs and the other half are peer models.  There is a fee of $150 per month for peer models.  The preschool staff includes two certified teachers with the support of a speech and language pathologist, an occupational therapist, and a physical therapist.  Paraprofessionals provide in-class support for students as needed.  Parents of peer models must provide transportation to and from school.  Parents who would like to enroll their children in the lottery for the preschool should call Christine Cue at 679-8003, ext. 7103.  Space is limited.

Please click on your child's teacher to view her web page.  Upcoming classroom events will also be posted there.