If a student is going to be absent for any reason, parents/guardians must notify the school by calling the office as soon as possible at 679-8018 (press 1) or by sending a note with a sibling or another person. You may also email Karen Mongeon at kmongeon@eppingsd.org.
The building doors open at 8:15AM.
Please note that early student drop-off is NOT permitted either in the building or out front.
Classrooms will be open at 8:15 am with transition time from 8:15AM-8:30AM, which allows students time to unpack their backpacks and get ready for the day.
School officially begins at 8:30AM. All teachers will begin the day with a Morning Meeting. We believe this is an important time in the school day for classroom communities to grow together. It is very important that all students arrive at school on time and ready to participate.
Students arriving after 8:30 AM will be marked tardy and will have to obtain a Tardy Pass from the office before they go to class. All students arriving late must be walked into school by an adult. Tardy curbside drop-offs are not permitted.
If you have any bus related questions, please contact First Student at 603-778-6900.
Click BUS ROUTES link for bus routes details.
Parents and guardians will not be permitted to walk their students to the front door at drop off. Students must stay in the vehicle until a staff member opens the door to let them out. Thank you for your cooperation as this helps keep all students safe and expedite the dropoff process.
Parents and guardians will be required to stay in their vehicles and in the pick up line to avoid congregating in front of the building. The car line will enter through Prescott Road (EMHS main entrance) and should not form prior to 2:30pm. All cars will follow the orange line. This means that cars will pull up to the curb on the driver’s side. Students will be encouraged to enter the vehicle on the driver’s side. Cars will not be allowed to pass within the drop off/pick up loop. The buses will park behind EES and will load students at 3:15. Once the buses are loaded, the car riders will be dismissed. Cars will not be permitted to enter Prospect Street between 2:00pm and 3:45pm.
Parents and guardians are not permitted to congregate outside the front doors at dismissal to wait for students. Parents and guardians are required to wait in their cars and follow staff members’ guidance to collect students. If parents or guardians are picking up a student to walk, they are expected to wait by the rock wall and notify a staff member of the name(s) of their student(s).
We respectfully request that students not be dismissed between 2:45PM - 3:15PM as this is an extremely busy time of day in the office and disruptive to the classroom. In addition, if a student’s dismissal plan needs to be changed, we ask that the office is aware of such changes before 2:00 PM.
Please visit our school district website for more information about Competency Based Education or our Student Handbook, page 14, under Reporting Student Achievement.
Any adult wishing to chaperone a field trip MUST BE FINGERPRINTED prior to the
date of the field trip. You can print/download the Criminal Record Release Form packet to start the approval process. This should be done at least 2 weeks prior to the field trip.
If you need additional assistance, please contact Gwen Pham at gwen.pham@eppingsd.org or call 603-679-8018 x3224.
If parents or guardians want to change transportation arrangements, such as riding a different bus to a friend’s house, they need to put that request IN WRITING IN ADVANCE OR EMAIL Karen Mongeon at kmongeon@eppingsd.org in the office.
These requests need to be made before 2PM. The child will present this note to his/her teacher upon his/her arrival at school, and he/she will then receive a bus pass from the school office. With written permission, children may get off at a different stop on their own bus route. This policy helps ensure our students’ safety.
You may also contact the school main office at 603-679-8018 for other dismissal changes, such as a change from bus to parent pick-up.
The school day ends at 3:15PM.
Carline students and walkers will be dismissed first followed by bussers and
afterschool programming.
You can contact the school at 603-679-8018 or email Karen Mongeon at kmongeon@eppingsd.org.
You can fill out our Pre-Registration Form online.
Click Incoming Kindergarten Information link for information about kindergarten registration.
You may also contact Karen Mongeon at kmongeon@eppingsd.org or call 603-679-8018 for kindergarten registration information.
To reset the password to your PowerScholl parent portal, please click PowerSchool Reset Password Directions.
PowerSchool is our school’s web-based student information system. The PowerSchool Parent Portal allows parents to become more actively involved in their education. Parents will be asked to update all contact information, health information and permissions. Parents will also be able to view electronically shared Student Achievement Reports.
For more information on how to sign-up and use PowerSchool, please click PowerSchool Parent Tutorial link.
The Epping Parent-Teacher Organization works with the school administration and staff to provide a spirit of mutual support and cooperation in the education and development of our students. The PTO organizes volunteers for the school and sponsors educational and social activities. These activities have included guest speakers and after school programs.
The PTO consists of the general membership (Epping parents and teachers), plus an elected governing board. Each member of the board is responsible for a specific task or program. The board meets the first Monday of every month at 7:00PM in the EES library or virtually to conduct business and review suggestions. All parents and teachers are welcome to attend these meetings.
All Epping parents are encouraged to join the PTO during its annual Fall Membership Drive. Anyone wishing to work in support of the organization is welcome. The school secretary will direct parents to the appropriate PTO representative.
PTO Website: http://www.eppingpto.com
You can contact the school at 603-679-8018 or email Karen Mongeon at kmongeon@eppingsd.org.
You can fill out our Pre-Registration Form online.
As we embrace Winter's tricky personality, we prepare for multiple possibilities. The following diagram is meant to help you, our community, understand the difference between a TRADITIONAL SNOW DAY and a REMOTE LEARNING DAY.
In the event that we should need to go remote due to inclement weather, Superintendent Furbush will make every attempt to make this call the afternoon before. Students will be sent home with chromebooks and materials to complete assignments - or reminded to check Google Classroom for assignments. The school day will be 8:30am - 1:00pm.
For more information, please see our Remote Day Guide for Families.
Additional information can be found on our school district website by visiting School Closings for more details.
EES reports student achievement in TRIMESTERS.
Trimester 1: Monday, August 29, 2023 - Thursday, November 30, 2023
Trimester 2: Friday, December 1, 2023 - Monday, March 11, 2024
Trimester 3: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 - Wednesday, June 11, 2024
Student Achievement Reports will be issued three times a year after the end of each trimester. Parents/guardians may access their child’s Student Achievement Report via the PowerSchool Parent Portal. The Student Achievement Reports are opened to families approximately one week after the ending date of each trimester. The Epping School District has embraced competency education as a way to increase rigor in order to prepare our students for college, career, and life.
As we embrace Winter's tricky personality, we prepare for multiple possibilities. The following diagram is meant to help you, our community, understand the difference between a TRADITIONAL SNOW DAY and a REMOTE LEARNING DAY.
In the event that we should need to go remote due to inclement weather, Superintendent Furbush will make every attempt to make this call the afternoon before. Students will be sent home with chromebooks and materials to complete assignments - or reminded to check Google Classroom for assignments. The school day will be 8:30am - 1:00pm.
For more information, please see our Remote Day Guide for Families.
Additional information can be found on our school district website by visiting School Closings for more details.
Guests and visitors must be buzzed in by the main office and will be required to identify themselves by presenting an approved NH State ID, such as a NH Drivers License, before being allowed to enter.
Additional information can be found in our Student Handbook, page 10, under Visitors to the School.
Any adult wishing to volunteer in the school or your student's classroom MUST BE FINGERPRINTED prior to the start of volunteering. You can print/download the Criminal Record Release Form packet to start the approval process.
If you need additional assistance, please contact Gwen Pham at gwen.pham@eppingsd.org or call 603-679-8018 x3224.
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